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A University Without Physics and Philosophy?

Indiana State, citing accreditor's demand to end low-enrollment programs, draws criticism with its recommended choices.

Tenure Reform Comes to Yale

University panel seeks a true track for promotion and -- in move that surprises observers -- endorses the idea of nurturing young faculty.

A Lesson in Viral Video

Professor gives his class a real-world demonstration of how to use often-viewed sites to quickly spread content.

Advanced Placement Still Ascending

Number of test takers and high scorers rise, though gaps in performance among racial groups still vexing.

Banning Trans Fats

Citing health concerns, college food services are making new rules about ingredients.

A Focus on the Physical Sciences

President continues to push for increased spending for NSF and Energy Dept. research, shortchanging NIH, science advocates complain.

The Bush Budget, 2008

Administration's spending blueprint would increase Pell Grants -- by cutting lender profits and other aid programs.