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Unusual Union Battle

AFT vows to return collective bargaining for professors at Quinnipiac -- despite legal edge university has as private institution.

Should Academic Left Defend Churchill?

Some professors organize petition drive to help embattled Colorado professor, but others question whether he deserves help.

A Compromise Voc-Ed Bill Emerges

House-Senate conference committee votes to keep Tech-Prep program separate from state grants under Perkins program.

Endangered Progress

President of American University of Beirut has overseen remarkable recovery over the last decade -- and now fears a tragic reversal.

SAT Controversy Continues

College Board releases much-awaited report on scoring errors, but critics say that it doesn't answer the key questions.

MyRichUncle, InYourFace

New lender seeks to shake up student loan market by lowering prices -- and impugning integrity of aid directors.

Show Them the Money

Latino students need more information to get the most out of financial aid, study finds.