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Fight on for Ol' Ki Yi

With March Madness here, dozens of pep bands are preparing to trumpet their colleges' fight songs in arenas across the...

Encouraging Faculty Retirements

More colleges offer incentives for tenured professors to end careers -- sometimes through gradual shift away from full-time work, report finds.

Change of Heart on Lender Oversight

Education Department proposes toughened enforcement of colleges' relationships with loan providers.

Historians Vote to Condemn War in Iraq

Online vote by members of American Historical Association sees U.S. action as "inimical to values" of the profession.

The All-Academic NCAA Bracket

Inside Higher Ed's 2nd annual look at how colleges would fare in the NCAA tournament if graduation rates ruled.

Kafka at the Border

U.S. denies Canadian physicist entry, saying he committed a crime in Canada. Canada says that's false, but does that matter?