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The Liberal (and Moderating) Professoriate

Professors lean left, but major new study of faculty views finds more centrism and less radicalism than critics of academe see -- with growing moderation among young academics.

New Furor Over Race and Cartoons

Kentucky student journalists apologize for slave auction imagery that was designed to comment on efforts to end segregation of Greek system.

Stalemate for Pace U. Adjuncts

Three years after part-time professors won recognition for their union, they don't have a contract.

Early (Encouraging) Data on Early Colleges

While most programs are new, evidence emerges that they are having success with the disadvantaged students who frequently are lost to higher ed.

House Republicans and the Higher Ed Act

GOP education leaders, seeking to influence Democrats, call for tough college cost provisions, abandoning new "auction" for student loans, and pressuring colleges on illegal downloading.

The Federal Role in Biolab Oversight

GAO official and House subcommittee chairman cite dangers of adding more biodefense labs without increasing the capability to monitor them.