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Bigger Tent for Minority-Serving Colleges

Just-passed law creates new federal categories (and provides new funds) for "predominantly black," Asian and Native American institutions, avoiding conflict inherent in previous proposals.

Are You Ready for 'Islamo-Fascism Week'?

"Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" is still three weeks away, but the event and a similar campaign from Young America's Foundation are...

No More Mr. Saggypants

U. of West Alabama tells students what they can't wear and finds little opposition. Among its rules: no "sagging pants," caps or hoods in class.

Study Abroad Policies and Practices

Where previously there were only anecdotes, new survey provides a clearer picture of the prevalence of practices that have fallen under scrutiny.

R Txt Msgs the Best Way 2 Alert U?

Students aren't signing up for text systems -- quickly installed by many campuses after the Virginia Tech killings -- as widely as some expected.