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'Theology in Life'

Benedictine University’s new “Theology of Love” class will cover areas of moral theology, yes (issues of sexual and social ethics)...

Newly Tenured ... at Ohio U., Seton Hill

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges: Ohio University -- Main Campus Deak D. Arch, aviation...

A Moral Obligation to Retire?

Philosophers offer views -- ethical and practical -- on whether older scholars should be making room for new Ph.D.'s.

Who Leads?

Education secretary's final higher ed summit finds general consensus on problems, but less on how to fix them -- and who should take charge.

Theologian Uninvited to Hold Chair

U. of San Diego announced that Rosemary Ruether would be teaching about Catholicism there in 1-year position; then critics of her views mobilized.

Could the Wrong Assessment Kill the Liberal Arts?

Some critics say the Department of Education's push to test all colleges and universities with a standard set of learning outcomes is a bad idea for traditional academic studies.