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ACT Scores Drop Slightly -- Except for Asians

Test continues to experience rapid growth, which may explain small drop in average score. Popularity continues to rise in states dominated by SAT.

Getting Out of Georgia

For small groups of American students and scholars in a country hit by war, evacuation replaces research and study.

The City Without a Community College

Lack of two-year institution in Washington frustrates educators, but they don't agree on how to get one up and running.

Awarding Degrees Without Permission

How can a public university open a campus in another state and issue diplomas without the permission of its own board or accreditor?

Open Textbook Meets Community Colleges

Rice University's open educational resources Web site publishes a popular 2-year college text for anyone to read, reuse or remix -- free.

A Bookended Approach to Attracting Chinese Students

1+2+1 dual degrees, in which students start and finish at a Chinese university with two years at an American college in between, are becoming more popular.

Credit Crunch or Echo Chamber?

With few signs so far that students are unable to get loans for college, campus officials are made increasingly jittery by news articles that quote jittery campus officials.