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Covering Up or Scaring Off?

High school counselors remain divided on what they should tell colleges about the disciplinary records of applicants. Should admissions officers know if potential students were suspended?

If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em

For decades, critics of standardized testing -- and especially of the SAT -- have said that these examinations fail to...

The Competition to Be Transparent

Long criticized for providing too little information about their prices and performance, college groups are now pouring (often overlapping) information onto the Internet.

After the SAT Report, What Next?

At admissions officers' meeting, study suggesting more skepticism of standardized tests is widely praised. Authors debate next steps while more colleges show interest in going test-optional.

Barriers to Student Voting

Congressional panel examines obstacles to registration and other legal issues affecting college students who want to vote in national elections.

Want a Good Parking Spot? Read On

Colleges reserve spaces for hybrids or car-poolers to encourage environmentally friendlier commuting.