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Schooling Faculty in Catholic Higher Ed

In Marquette U. seminar, pre-tenure professors study the content and context of their institution's Jesuit mission.

Is Affirmative Action in Decline or Out of Control?

Dueling studies arrive -- one seeing colleges moving away from consideration of race and one drawing attention to the use of race.

Detente on Nursing Education

Two-year and four-year programs, long at loggerheads, show increased signs of a willingness to collaborate.

Do-It-Yourself Transcripts

Rutgers, following lead of U. of California, will have applicants submit their own grades and the university will check them only after decision to enroll. Is this the wave of the future?

Support for Report on 'Rethinking' Student Aid

There's a maxim in journalism that a reporter has probably struck an appropriate balance in an article about a disputed...