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Is the Laptop Love-In Over?

Colleges that helped provide students with computers were once celebrated. But as budgets tighten and more students come with their own machines, institutions are rethinking the value of laptop requirements.

Retooling Recycling

Suspicious that its reuse program wasn't effective, Southern Polytechnic audited its campus trash. The findings weren't pretty.

Grade Inflation Seen Rising

New national study finds students receiving better and better report cards. Community colleges alone appear to be holding the line.

Sustaining Study Abroad

Campuses are going green and going international. With air travel as the elephant in the room, how to reconcile the two?

DeVry to Purchase Brazilian Higher Ed Provider

DeVry Inc. says it has agreed to purchase a majority stake in a private higher education provider that operates three...

U. of Texas Official Nominated for White House Science Post

President Obama has nominated Sherburne (Shere) Abbott, director of the Center for Science and Practice of Sustainability at the University...

Maryland Finds Growing Racial Gap in Graduation Rates

In the past three years, Maryland's state university system has seen a sharp increase in the gap between the six-year...