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Pros and Cons of a Community College Education

Community colleges are a low-cost and effective path to degrees and jobs for many people, especially full-time workers and first-generation...

Sewanee Drops SAT Requirement

The University of the South, known as Sewanee, on Monday announced that it will no longer require applicants to submit...

Sign of the Times: The Battle for Portland, Ore.

It is one of the most visible images in Portland, Oregon: a neon sign over the Willamette River that shouts...

Critiquing, Defending Academic BS

Composition scholars consider whether their language and tone alienate the public -- or raise tough issues.

On Mental Health, an Online Tool

Imagine a computer simulation where the goal is to identify and refer mentally distressed students. How to train the "gatekeepers?"

Data on the Undocumented

Colleges ask students' immigration status, but how and whether they verify legality varies -- as does whether they admit applicants known to be in the U.S. illegally.

Newly Tenured ... at Alma, Austin, Smith, Texas Lutheran and Wesleyan

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges: Alma College --Mark Oemke, biology--Laura von Wallmenich, English Austin...

Black (Immigrant) Admissions Edge

First or second generation African Americans found to be much more likely than other black students -- and more likely than white students -- to attend selective colleges.