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Figuring Out Freshmen

New report suggests community colleges need to engage and motivate incoming students more within their first few weeks.

Community College Surge

Survey documents breadth of enrollment gains, significant rise in online instruction -- and tightening budgets, potentially creating gap in educational infrastructure.

Win for Anti-Bias Rules

Appeals court upholds right of a U. of California law school to deny recognition to Christian group that won't allow gay members.

Florida State's Unpleasant Vacation

For the second time in four years, Florida State University is challenging a major punishment of it by the National...

Unread Monographs, Uninspired Undergrads

Increased scholarly output and student disengagement are linked, according to a new white paper that calls for relieving the "research mandate" in the humanities.

Computer Science Enrollments Rebound

The number of undergraduate students majoring in computer science this year significantly increased for the first time since the dot-com...

At Brown, an Unusual Memorial

At Brown University, the 10-member Commission on Memorials has recommended that the university commission a memorial recognizing a painful past...