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Stimulus Spurs Campus Building

Public and private colleges begin to benefit from recovery law, securing capital funds more easily or cheaply.

LSU Ousts Controversial Hurricane Researcher

Louisiana State University has fired Ivor van Heerden as a research professor and deputy director at the university's Hurricane Center...

$4 Million Verdict Against Penn Upheld

State appeals court backs ruling that university dissed professor who operated successful dental clinic -- and excoriates Penn for lawyers' behavior.

Time on Facebook Costs Students High Grades, Study Finds

Among the papers that will be presented at this week's annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association is one...

Orientation for Whites

Mount Holyoke tries possibly unique approach to the controversy over programs for incoming minority students by adding section for those who are in the majority.

Bills Favoring Guns on Campus Advance in 2 States

Legislation to permit those registered to carry concealed weapons to carry them on college campuses is advancing in Missouri and...

U.S. Cancels Auction for Parent Loans

What if the federal government held an auction and nobody came? That's essentially what happened this month, and the U.S...

Clark U. Calls Off Finkelstein Lecture

Clark University has called off a lecture by Norman Finkelstein, saying that it would conflict with and possibly detract from...