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Unexpected Philosophers

When you think of successful university careers, you might think of presidents, provosts and deans; when you think of the...

Early Pomp and Circumstance

Saying tradition matters, a growing number of institutions are introducing convocation ceremonies, or dusting off existing ones, as part of strategies to improve retention.

H1N1 Creeps Onto Campuses

With fall classes beginning at many institutions, administrators are getting a chance to test out the "swine flu" prevention and containment plans they've been formulating since the virus first appeared last spring.

The Humanities and the NEH

In podcast interview, James A. Leach, the endowment's new chair, discusses his priorities -- including more attention to understanding world cultures.

The Cost of Journals -- and Their Future

A new report from the National Humanities Alliance finds that the average cost per page of a sample of eight...

U.S. Offers Guidance on Commercial Recruitment Agents

The State Department has issued guidance that bars its EducationUSA centers from forming partnerships with commercial recruitment agents who represent...

U. of Miami Investigates Police Takedown of Student

The University of Miami is investigating an incident in which police officers questioned a student -- subsequently revealed not to...