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Hofstra Student Recants Gang Rape Allegation

A Hofstra University student has recanted allegations that she was forced into a dormitory men's room stall, tied up and...

Worry, but Not Panic

TIAA-CREF survey of academic employees nearing retirement age finds plenty of concern about finances, but relatively modest shifts in investment strategies.

University Foundations in Mississippi Fight State Plan

University foundations in Mississippi are protesting a state plan that would involve some oversight of the fund-raising organizations, The Jackson...

Ads for Campus Slasher Movie Upset Football Viewers

ESPN has been getting flack for airing an array of advertisements for “ Sorority Row,” a violent slasher movie in...

Climate Action for Some

88 colleges and universities submit plans to reduce carbon footprints -- but more than 300 miss the deadline they pledged to meet.

Cycling Sabbatical

Michigan community college professor bikes across Africa and uses experience to bring broader world view to her small-town students.

Brand, NCAA President, Dies

First college president to lead the national college sports association instituted ambitious academic reforms and pushed presidential control and financial transparency.