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Report: Test Scores Helpful for Remedial Course Placement

A new report from ACT, the company that owns and administers its namesake standardized exam, found that its test scores...
A photo of Northwestern president Michael Schill and Rutgers president Jonathan Holloway.

Campus Leaders Stand Their Ground Before Congress

In previous hearings, presidents equivocated on moral questions or were accused of throwing faculty under the bus. This time, leaders pushed back against lawmakers.

Parents’ Lack of Worry About COVID’s Effects on Kids: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Morgan Polikoff, professor of education at the University of Southern California, examines why parents don't...
Students mill about in front of a library on a college campus

UNC System Board Votes to Eliminate DEI Offices

The University of North Carolina System Board of Governors voted on Thursday morning to eliminate a policy requiring diversity, equity...

American Sociological Assoc. Members Call for Gaza Ceasefire

Members of the American Sociological Association (ASA) have passed a resolution calling “for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza”...

California State System Reports No Direct Investments in Israel

The California State University System recently indicated that it has no direct ownership of stocks or bonds in companies based...

How Can Trustees Help?

University board members can help restore trust on campus.

Elise Stefanik holds up a white piece of paper with a red F in the middle.

Five Takeaways From the UCLA, Northwestern, Rutgers Antisemitism Hearing

Republicans sharply criticized Northwestern, but didn’t land any knock-out blows. UCLA avoided tough scrutiny. And this time, Democrats and faculty members went on the offensive.