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State Support for Colleges Grew as Stimulus Funds Ebbed

Even with a reduction in federal stimulus funding, state support for higher education was up 10 percent in fiscal 2024.

Doxing Truck Targets Boulder Faculty Members

Accuracy in Media, the group behind what it calls infamous mobile billboards and what others call doxing trucks, has now...

A Call for Deadline Extensions After FAFSA Delay

A coalition of higher ed professional associations and advocacy organizations issued a letter Wednesday urging colleges to extend their typical...
Virginia Foxx, a light-skinned older woman with white hair, walks in a hallway, wearing a red shirt and black blazer

House Committee Advances GOP Plan to Overhaul Higher Ed

In a lengthy hearing Wednesday, Democrats argued the Republicans’ College Cost Reduction Act wouldn’t actually lower costs.

How Asexual People Navigate Romantic Relationships: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Alexandra Brozowski, research associate at Michigan State University, takes a look at one group of...
Quote from President Burwell overlaid on photo of students protesting

American University Bans Indoor Protests

Administrators say the new policy was a necessary response to antisemitism, but many faculty members, students and free speech advocates fear it will chill free speech on campus.

Five scientists conduct an experiment in a science lab

Funding Student Success: Increasing Diversity in STEM Fields

Some student groups remain underrepresented in STEM degree attainment and in the workforce. Three grant-funded programs look to address the barriers and promote student success.