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Affirmative Action for White C+ Guys

Towson University, facing a gender gap, starts admissions program for those with high SAT scores and lower grades.

Education Dept. Rebuffs Colleges on Rules

In final rules for new grant aid, requests for modifications are repeatedly met with the phrase "Changes: None"

RateMyProfessors: Hidden Camera Edition

The site that students love and faculty members hate now wants the former to send in photographs of the latter.

Displeased, Not Disaffected

Poll shows 18- to 24-year-olds are unhappy with the country’s direction and are vowing to vote in record numbers.

Foreign Graduate Enrollments Up

Post-9/11 decline finally appears to be reversed, due in large part to big increases from China and India.

Mental Health Lawsuit Settled

George Washington U. reaches agreement with student involuntarily removed from campus after seeking counseling.

Did Assignment Get Too Political?

Missouri State U. punished a former student for refusing to sign a class letter supporting a gay cause, complaint alleges.