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MLA Notes: Academic Freedom, Jobs at Community Colleges

The issue of academic freedom was everywhere at this year's Modern Language Association meeting, in Washington. There were panels on...

Does Rape Fantasy Belong in Student Paper?

Photo spread at U. of Wisconsin at Milwaukee infuriates many students. Administration rejects censorship calls, but creates new panel.

Goofing Off in Law School

Survey finds serious slippage in student levels of academic engagement in third year.

Hoping for a Year Without Dawgs or Hunkering Down

Lake Superior State U. once again tries to banish overused and abused words.

At More Campuses, Coke Isn't It

Boycott movements on college campuses tend to take hold (or fade away) based on whether a critical mass of well...

Pickup Lines at the MLA

Just how does a postmodern hottie approach the object of his or her affection? With carefully selected words, of course.