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College Access -- Comparing Countries

A study of industrialized nations finds Sweden has the most affordable higher education system and the Netherlands has the most accessible.

Upwardly Mobile Academic: Ralph J. Hexter

A Berkeley dean talks about taking Hampshire's top job, politically active campuses, and becoming one of the few openly gay college presidents.

Movement in the Senate

A flurry of activity suggests Congress may make progress on extending the Higher Education Act after all.

From Community Colleges to the Elites

Three foundations are starting a major effort to help low income students move from two-year institutions to top universities.

Ph.D. Education -- Beyond Disciplines

Claremont Graduate U. and Vanderbilt hope new types of courses will give their doctoral students a broader perspective.

'Pirate Captain' Will Lead NC State Students

Students at North Carolina State University don't know for sure the real name of the man they elected student body...

God and Freshmen

Students are deeply committed to exploring their spiritual and religious lives, but don't get much help from colleges, researchers say.

Professional (Lobbying) Help

College associations have hired PricewaterhouseCoopers to help them fight for, and against, potential changes in the tax code.