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Partially Open Records

A New York court requires Cornell to make public some documents related to one of its state funded colleges.

Speedier Visas

A Government Accountability Office report released Friday finds that the average time foreign scholars and students must wait for a...

'From Concentration Camp to Campus'

The internment of Japanese Americans in World War II remains a shameful episode in American history. In From Concentration Camp...

The NCAA Dishonor Roll

Whenever a spate of recruiting or academic scandals hits college sports, critics typically suggest that "everybody does it" and defenders...

Going Tuition Free

At a time of steadily rising tuitions, Saint Louis Christian College is going the other way -- all the way...

The Fight for Students' Minds

Liberals are tired of getting their hats handed to them -- and not just in presidential elections, either. Today, Campus...

Historians Honor Picket Line

Honoring a labor boycott, the Organization of American Historians is moving its annual meeting from San Francisco to San Jose.