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Harrison Butker leans toward a microphone smiling.

Commencement Speech Crosses, Captivates—and Centers Campus Culture Wars

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker sparked controversy at Benedictine College’s graduation when he praised women who choose to be homemakers and mothers.

A photo illustration of the leaders of UCLA, Rutgers, and Northwestern set against a photo of the U.S. Capitol.

Who Are the Campus Leaders Headed to Capitol Hill?

Unlike their predecessors in the hot seat, the leaders set to face Congress today are all men who have been in the job for at least two years—and two head public institutions.

Photo illustration showing scenes of campus protests, police and Virginia Foxx, chair of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

College Leaders Testify on Capitol Hill

A House committee questioned the presidents of Northwestern and Rutgers universities and the chancellor of UCLA about their responses to campus antisemitism and student protests. Inside Higher Ed’s live coverage of the hearing is here.

Former U. of Arizona Student Convicted of Killing Professor

A jury has convicted a former University of Arizona graduate student of murdering professor Thomas Meixner on campus in October...

Examining Myths About Grief and Bereavement: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Jacob Sawyer, assistant professor of psychology at Alma College, examines some of the many myths...

How Generative AI Might Change Teaching and Learning: Key Podcast

A new episode of The Key, Inside Higher Ed’s news and analysis podcast, explores how teaching and learning experts are...

Study: Gender Gaps Persist for Female Scientists

The number of female biomedical researchers is increasing and so is the share of grants they receive, according to a...

Nurturing Talent

The value of mentorship in empowering student success.