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Race Matters

Black science students are more likely to stay in their field if they have at least one black instructor, according to new study, which finds no similar impact based on gender.

Express Lane to a B.A.

A year after politicians and pundits started talking about three-year degrees, more colleges are starting programs or considering them.

Iowa State May Change Policy for Dismissing Tenured Faculty

Iowa State University is considering a change in its policy on the dismissal of tenured faculty members, The Omaha World-Herald...

Groups Publish Draft of Common High School Standards

The Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governors Association on Wednesday published a draft of proposed "common...

Georgia State Dean Quits to Protest Merger Idea

Bart Hildreth, dean of the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University, said that he was told...

More Athletes Join Suit Against NCAA

Eleven former athletes have joined a suit against the National Collegiate Athletic Association over the use of their likenesses without...

Inside Higher Ed Honored for Coverage of Rankings

The Education Writers Association honored Inside Higher Ed with first prize for beat reporting for a series of articles about...

Salaries Soar for Assistant Football Coaches

Colleges may be freezing many salaries this year, but a new athletic competition has emerged in the salaries of top...