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Stanford Reshapes Engineering Curriculum

Stanford University is talking up a new model of engineering education, with less emphasis on traditional courses and more focus...

More Growth for Common Application

The Common Application continues to grow -- on Monday announcing an additional 25 members, bringing the total number of colleges...

Students Rally Again in Sacramento

For the second time this month, students have organized a major event in California to draw attention to state budget...

Attracting Women to STEM

Analysis considers reasons for the continuing (if shrinking) gender gap.

N.C. Allows Undocumented Community College Students

The North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges on Friday affirmed the right of students who do not have legal...

No Increases for Mid-Level Pay

Whether in academic affairs, student affairs, or the business side of the house, salaries were stagnant, survey finds.

Student Loan Overhaul Advances

Overshadowed by health care, legislation to end lender-based federal loans and use savings to shore up grants for needy students nears final approval.

Stanford Med School Toughens Conflict of Interest Rules

Stanford University's medical school, known for tough conflict of interest rules for faculty members, will strengthen them further today, The...