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Virginia Tech, Faulted, Fights Back

In the wake of two shooting deaths that would prove the prelude to a campus massacre later that morning on...

Online Bookstore Bites the Dust

One of the most revolutionary things about the Internet is its ability to make physical distances inconsequential. But with students...

More Academic Groups Condemn Arizona

A coalition of academic associations issued a joint statement Tuesday condemning Arizona's new immigration laws. The policy "threatens to inflame...

Chavez Nationalizes Private University

Venezuela's president, Hugo Chavez, this week nationalized Santa Inés University, a private institution, boasting to students that tuition would now...

Expanding Portfolio

In the wake of one of the most troubled years on record for university endowments, TIAA-CREF officially declared Tuesday that...

Signs of British Brain Drain

A Canadian government effort to better finance leading scientists has attracted four leading British scientists to accept positions in Canada...

The DNA Assignment

The University of California at Berkeley is an experimental place, and sometimes those experiments start as early as the summer...