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Confident About the Emeritus Years

Ever since the huge drops on Wall Street in the fall of 2008, some college leaders have predicted that academics...

Michigan State to Shut Undergraduate Program in Dubai

Michigan State University is shutting down its undergraduate campus in Dubai, saying that it has lost millions of dollars on...

Broad Backing for Appeal by Conservative Professor

Mike Adams, a conservative, Christian professor who believes his promotion to full professor at the University of North Carolina at...

A Lucrative Sick Leave?

An administrator at the San Jose/Evergreen Community College District earned a full salary on sick leave this spring while teaching...

Middle States Places U. of Puerto Rico and 2 Other Colleges on Probation

The regional accrediting agency for the mid-Atlantic states last month placed on probation 10 of the University of Puerto Rico's...

Universities Help Companies Bypass Earmark Ban

The House of Representatives has banned earmarks of funds directly to companies, but many corporations that have received earmarks in...

Another One Bites the Dust

Wayne State eliminates non-traditional college as critics wonder whether urban universities are abandoning urban students.