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Searching for Cash Overseas

NEW YORK -- What do you do, asked a fund raiser in the audience, when a prospective donor from Asia...

The Real Scandal at Illinois?

If you want to study Buddhist or Methodist or Jewish thought at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, there are...

NBC News to Hold Education Summit

NBC News today announced "Education Nation," a week of events in September that will bring together leaders from politics, all...

Continuing Debate Over Online Education

Online education has become a hot topic recently, with more and more institutions wanting to expand offerings. And that makes...

House Spending Bill Would Boost NIH and Pell

The House of Representatives Appropriations Committee approved a 2011 spending bill Thursday that would increase funds for the National Institutes...

Endowment, Worried by Markets, Buys Gold

The University of Texas Investment Management Company is worried enough about the state of the markets that it spent $500...

Technologically Illiterate Students

ORLANDO -- Say you are an employer evaluating college students for a job. Perusing one candidate’s Facebook profile, you notice...

As the Crow Flies

Arizona State University has serious problems, and that’s just the way Michael Crow wants it. Since Crow was named president...