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Key Title IX Ruling

A federal judge determined Wednesday that competitive cheerleading, at least the brand offered at a small Connecticut institution this past...

Texas A

It's no surprise that universities have been eliminating extras in order to tighten budgets, but getting rid of toilet paper...

GAO Urges Enhancements to Federal Loan Oversight

The Government Accountability Office released a report Wednesday detailing ways for the Department of Education's Office of Federal Student Aid...

Retooling the GI Bill

WASHINGTON – Gathered at a hearing here Wednesday, U.S. senators grappled with legislation that would attempt to simplify the often...

NSF Would Get Less in Senate Spending Bill

A U.S. Senate appropriations panel approved legislation Wednesday that would give the National Science Foundation slightly less money in 2011...

When Faculty Aren't Supposed to Talk

Many colleges have rules declaring that faculty meetings where job candidates are reviewed are supposed to be confidential. A Stanford...

Law School Hiring Leans Left, Study Finds

Law schools are more likely to hire liberal professors than conservatives, but openings at top law schools are not restricted...