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Ups and Downs in Grad Admissions

Offers to international students increased 3% from 2009 to 2010, while offers to applicants from the U.S. dropped 1%.

Can You Hear Me Now?

Georgia Gwinnett has boosted retention by giving its faculty smartphones and encouraging students to call them.

Seeking Honorable Mention

Baccalaureate-granting community colleges had trouble finding an honor society that would accept their students; now, there is competition.

Appeals Court Rejects Speech Code

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit on Wednesday rejected as unconstitutional several parts of the code of...

Grand Canyon Pays $5.2M to Settle Suit

Grand Canyon University has agreed to pay $5.2 million to settle a whistle-blower lawsuit charging it with violating federal rules...

New Kind of Dorm for Students With Disabilities

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has opened a new dormitory for students with significant physical disabilities and the facility...

Over the Top

In better economic times, colleges often blew past capital campaign goals well before deadline. These days, just getting there can be a struggle.

Alabama Universities Sued Over Mandatory Meal Plans

Students have sued Auburn University and two University of Alabama campuses over mandatory meal plans, The Opelika-Auburn News reported. While...