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Laying a Liberal Arts Foundation, On Shaky Ground

Rather than build a branch in the Gulf, Bard College’s approach to internationalization has been to develop “deep partnerships” in countries in transition or conflict.

Any Given Weekday

Football teams that can get prime billing on Saturday shy away from games during week, citing academic and logistical problems. But the financially vulnerable play them for national attention.

Surrendering to Tomorrow

Once, the e-book reader was a futuristic fantasy. Scott McLemee faces the ambivalence of living it out.

Doing 'Dual Career' Right

Just about any discussion of academic hiring these days, after the natural focus on the tight market, tends to come...

Phoenix Pays to Tell Its Story

For-profit college turns to events co-branded with media outlets to change minds and critics wonder about the journalistic ethics of providing positive PR.

Court Backs Florida Law Limiting Foreign Travel With State Funds

A federal appeals court on Tuesday upheld the legality of a Florida law that bars state employees from using state...

Alum Calls Off Planned Bequest Over Reading Assignment

A Brooklyn College alumnus has ended plans for a bequest because of his anger over a reading assignment for first-year...