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Indirect Cost Policies Need Review, U.S. Study Finds

The federal government's policies for reimbursing research universities for the indirect costs of the studies they conduct are inconsistent and...

Into Africa

Higher ed groups and U.S. back 11 partnerships in which American universities will help African peer institutions solve -- and take ownership of -- problems they've identified.

Health Premiums for College Employees Rise by 7%

Health care premiums rose by about 7 percent for the typical college employee this year, up several percentage points over...

In Rebuke of Old Nassau

Princeton becomes first Ivy League institution in 36 years to be penalized by NCAA for major athletics infraction.

Arkansas Candidate Pulls Ad Featuring University Icons

A U.S. Senate candidate has pulled advertising that featured imagery from his days as a University of Arkansas football player...

Social Media Blackout

Harrisburg U. will pull the plug on social media sites and collaboration tools for one week.

Search Endeavor Questioned

Association of Governing Boards touts its expertise as it starts new business, but some potential competitors say conflicts of interest may emerge.

Harkin Nixes Purported Investor Event

After Wall Street firm invites investors to fancy dinner with senator to discuss for-profit higher ed -- at $10,000 a pop -- he says the event was never a done deal.