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Rough Encounter With College President Prompts Lawsuit

A former assistant to Mills College's president has sued the institution for wrongful termination, charging that Mills fired her after...

Debate on Condom Distribution at Drew U.

Drew University students are complaining that the university has made it a bit more difficult for them to obtain free...

The Scrutiny Spreads

A House panel questions the Pentagon's oversight of distance education -- particularly that offered by for-profit colleges -- for active duty service members.

A Plea for Perkins

At hearing Wednesday, lawmakers praise a student loan program that is facing a phaseout.

Retaining the Best Talent

HR leaders in academe consider how to keep their best employees -- faculty and administrators alike -- in era of tight budgets.

Nobel Predictions

Can a formula suggest who will win this year?

Senate Panel Sets Date for Next Hearing on For-Profit Colleges

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee has scheduled the third in its series of oversight hearings on for-profit...

Worried About Retirement

Should colleges and their employees be doing more to encourage savings and better-informed planning?