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Faculty Object to Reorganization Plan at U. of Toledo

Lloyd Jacobs, the president of the University of Toledo, has proposed dividing the College of Arts and Sciences into three...

Georgia Tech Prof Jailed on Racketeering Charge

Joy Laskar, a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, along with a research engineer and an office administrator were...

Israel, South Africa, Academic Boycotts

Faculty of U. of Johannesburg will vote this week on whether to sever the institution's ties to Ben-Gurion U.

UMass to Start 3-Year Option

The University of Massachusetts at Amherst is announcing a plan under which some students will receive counseling on how to...

Documenting Adjunct Work

Coalition of academic groups starts national survey in effort to gain data to promote better treatment of those off the tenure track.

Solution for Slumping State Support

Maine's community college system creates a statewide foundation to garner private donations; it has already raised more than $6 million.

Berkeley Plans to Cut Another 200 Jobs

The chancellor of the University of California at Berkeley said the institution plans to cut another 200 jobs to save...