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Is Tenure Fair at Law Schools?

Survey documents significant gaps by gender and race in how professors consider the question.

Man Who Duped Harvard Ordered to Pay It Back

Adam Wheeler, who duped Harvard University into admitting him based on a fake academic record, must repay the university $46,000...

New York City Seeks University Partner for Engineering Research

New York City is seeking a university with strength in engineering and other applied sciences to help run a major...

Laureate Plans Push in Australia

Laureate International, a worldwide chain of for-profit universities, is planning a major new campus in Australia, Adelaide Now reported. While...

Off Campus

Report assesses university-community partnerships' potential for narrowing economics and education gaps.

Making P-16 Meaningful

New alliance between school chiefs, public universities, and state higher ed systems aims to use Common Core Standards to build working relationships.

New Measures of Scholarly Impact

Data analytics are changing the ways to judge the influence of papers and journals.

Enough Is Enough

California community colleges ask whether anyone should need five attempts to pass a course.