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Ride Another Day

Women's equestrian team settles with Delaware State U., which is second university this year to fail in bid to replace a women's team with a competitive cheerleading squad.

An Unexpected Lesson at Medical School

Medical students at Sweden's Karolinska Institute were stunned recently when the body to be used in their first lesson on...

'The Global Auction'

College and university presidents in the United States and elsewhere regularly link the need for a higher education to individual...

Spare the Rod, Pay the Prof

U. of Kentucky uses carrots, not sticks, to encourage professors to teach online -- and gets good traction with its humanities faculty.

Generally Positive Reviews for Obama Science Policy

Sometimes it's all about expectations. With his March 2009 speech promising to restore science to a place of centrality and...

Goodbye DADT, Hello ROTC

The death of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" signals the return of the signature military training program to elite universities that banned it, presidents promise.

40% of Americans Are Creationists

A new poll by Gallup has found that 40 percent of Americans (a smaller share than at times in the...

Picking on Social Science

House Republicans invite scrutiny of federal funding for social and behavioral sciences. Is anyone biting?