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The Web of Babel

Online-only language courses might be controversial, but some have found Web 2.0 to be a boon for language instruction.

Strategic Displacement

Under “10 percent plan” in Texas, some switched high schools to get into top colleges. White students gained and minority students lost.

Academic Minute: Missile Defense

In today’s Academic Minute, Pepperdine University's Robert Kaufman explores the need for continued research into missile defense. Find out more...

JSTOR Plans to Add Full-Length Books to Its Offerings

The subscription-based research database JSTOR, which contains backlogs of scholarly articles going back centuries, has announced plans to begin adding...

Students Crave Self-Esteem Boosts Above All, Research Finds

A new study in the Journal of Personality finds that college students crave boosts in self-esteem -- such as receiving...

'Sad Day For California'

A draconian budget plan laid out Monday by California Gov. Jerry Brown would slash higher education along with other already...

Montreal University Defends Another Presidential Departure

Board members at Montreal's Concordia University, after two weeks of silence, acknowledged Monday that they had forced out their second...

Business Metaphor Still Ascendant

Historians lament "crisis" in higher education -- and many blame a corporate-minded ethos.