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Training the Education Legislators

Institute created by Jim Hunt, the original "education governor," aims to build lawmakers' understanding of -- and support for -- colleges and schools.

Smoke and Mirrors

Can a campus be tobacco-free? Will a certification program help?

Vote of No Confidence in President of South Carolina State

The Faculty Senate of South Carolina State University last week voted no confidence in President George Cooper, The Post and...

Campus Tragedy, and Perhaps Campus Tragedy Averted

A University of Rochester undergraduate was stabbed fatally at a fraternity party and another student has been charged in the...

Thanks, But No Thanks

As state support dwindles for public colleges, more leaders are ready to sacrifice appropriations for greater autonomy.

Paying Tuition in Dollar Bills

Nicolaus Ramos paid his tuition bill at the University of Colorado at Boulder in an unusual way -- with more...

Could Anyone Have Done More?

Community college experts question the second-guessing of Pima's handling of Jared Lee Loughner.