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The Pulse: Faculty and Social Media

The February 2011 edition of The Pulse, our monthly technology podcast by Rod Murray, features an interview with Brian Hughes...

Harkin Lambastes For-Profit Recruiting; GAO Defends Report on the Colleges

Another day, another flurry of activity related to federal regulation of for-profit colleges. The Government Accountability Office announced Tuesday that...

Utah Legislators Want to Charge Students for Excess Credits

Utah legislators are considering a proposal to raise tuition rates substantially (to cover the full costs of instruction) for students...

Academic Minute: Love

In today’s Academic Minute, Lynn Bruner of Lock Haven University outlines the positive psychological aspects of loving and being loved...

Berkeley Reconsiders Athletics Cuts

The University of California at Berkeley is reconsidering a plan to eliminate five athletic teams, The New York Times reported...

H1N1 Shows Up at Cape Cod Community College

A student at Cape Cod Community College has been diagnosed with the 2009 strain of H1N1, The Boston Herald reported...

Classroom Matters

UNC-Chapel Hill plans to scale back controversial online Spanish 101 experiment after three semesters.

Emerging Trends in Education Technology

Educause and the New Media Consortium have released the 2011 Horizon Report, an annual study of emerging issues in technology...