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Protests Resume at U. of Puerto Rico

After a brief break in months of protests, they resumed Thursday at the University of Puerto Rico, The New York...

House Poised to Block 'Gainful'

WASHINGTON -- They'll have to wait until some time today for the actual vote, and the satisfaction that comes then...

Highlighting Success of Hispanic-Serving Institutions Amid Talk of Trimming Grants

A new report by Excelencia in Education asserts that institutions across the country can learn how to improve Latino student...

Degree of Acculturation Matters More Than Ethnicity in Student Plagiarism, Study Asserts

A new study aims to bust the stereotype that Asian students are more inclined to plagiarize than their peers are...

Taking a Sports Rivalry Too Far

A 62-year-old man was arrested Thursday for allegedly poisoning some of the old oak trees at a gathering place where...

Siding With President, State Governing Board Suspends Idaho State's Faculty Senate

The Idaho State Board of Education on Thursday suspended the Faculty Senate at Idaho State University, which voted no confidence...

Protests Over Anti-Union Moves in Wisconsin and Ohio

Proposals in Wisconsin and Ohio that would bar public colleges and university faculty members (and many other state employees) from...