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Strife at RISD

No-confidence vote in president and provost sheds light on tensions within schools of art -- and higher education. How interdisciplinary can an institution be without strong disciplines?

Pays to Share

New research suggests as they wait for the "digital switch," libraries may need to collaborate to better use their print collections.

Notre Dame Fined Over Student Death

The Indiana Department of Labor on Tuesday found that the University of Notre Dame knowingly assigned a student to life-threatening...

Holding the Line on Pell

Senior Education Department official urges House panel to keep the key student aid program (mostly) whole.

La. Regents Back Governor's Plan to Combine New Orleans Campuses

Louisiana's Board of Regents, as expected, on Tuesday approved a proposal that would consolidate the University of New Orleans and...

American Council on Education and Pearson to Overhaul GED

The American Council on Education, which administers the GED testing program, announced today that it will join with Pearson PLC...

Tax Break Could Save Arizona For-Profit Colleges Millions

With Arizona set to impose more budget cuts on its public colleges, legislators in the state are considering legislation that...

Quebec Fines McGill $2 Million for High MBA Tuition

Quebec's education minister on Monday fined McGill University $2 million for exceeding government-set limits on the tuition that institutions in...