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A long-awaited decision by a federal judge could be a significant blow to Google's attempts to sell access to books it scanned from university libraries.

New Draft of ABA Standards Is Tougher on Job Placement

The American Bar Association has been engaged in a long process of updating accreditation standards for law schools, and the...

Merger Talk Arises in Md. and Resurfaces in Nevada

Budget and other pressures are prompting legislators in several states to consider the normally unthinkable: merging or closing public campuses...

Md. Bill Would Increase Regulation of For-Profit Colleges

The Maryland Senate on Tuesday unanimously approved legislation to increase regulation of for-profit colleges, The Baltimore Business Journal reported. Among...

Academic Minute: Campus Violence

In today’s Academic Minute, Michele Paludi of Union Graduate College explains what is being done to identify and curb all...

Can You Own a Color?

Syracuse has run into a roadblock in its attempt to trademark the word "orange" -- seven other universities that use the color, too.

Faculty Union Agrees to Negotiate 1-Year Pay Freeze

The union that represents professors in Pennsylvania's 14-campus public college system agreed on Sunday to negotiate a pay freeze for...

Cornell Library Will Make Journal Prices Public

In 2009, the Association of Research Libraries urged its members to stop agreeing to nondisclosure agreements on pricing of journal...