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Academic Minute: Digital Medical Records

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Notre Dame's Corey Angst explores attitudes about the digitization of medical records. Find...

Virginia Tech to Appeal U.S. Fine Over Response to Shooting

Virginia's attorney general's office announced Wednesday that the state would appeal a $55,000 fine the U.S. Education Department levied against...

When Bitter Bargaining Bleeds Over

After years of frustrating contract negotiations, president of U. of New Hampshire receives vote of "no confidence" -- but from union, not faculty senate.

British University Reviews Ties to Syria

The University of St. Andrews, in Scotland, has started a review of the funding that Syrian authorities provided for a...

Student Affairs Groups Won't Merge

In a much-anticipated and close vote of whether to consolidate the two largest national organizations of student affairs professionals --...

Will Transcripters Replace Birthers?

Donald Trump, who is flirting with running for president, has expanded his demands for records about President Obama's past. Now...

Edited Video from U. of Missouri Makes Waves

Portions of recorded class discussions in which two labor professors at the University of Missouri appear to advocate violence as...

Assistance for Some Undocumented Students

Some college students who lack documentation to stay in the United States and who have been targets for deportation are...