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Something’s Smoking

Some philosophers wonder why a key part of the hiring process in their discipline is an event that sounds like fraternity rush.

A Softened Critique

To win Republican senators' support, letter opposing new Defense Department policies on tuition assistance was changed to eliminate references to for-profit colleges as "subpar" institutions.

Departure Follows Admissions Scandal at U. of Queensland

Paul Greenfield is resigning in January as vice chancellor (the presidential equivalent) at the University of Queensland amid an admissions...

How to Define Disability

Federal appeals court rejects suit by woman kicked out of medical school, and backs college groups on issues related to bias claims.

Detailing the For-Profit Lobbying Campaign

The successful lobbying campaign by for-profit higher education to scale back the Obama administration's "gainful employment" regulations is no secret...

Emory Ph.D. Student Raises Questions About Arrest

Joseph Diaz, a Ph.D. student in philosophy at Emory University, has posted an account of his arrest last week in...

Biola President's Brady-Style Thank You

Biola University, like many institutions, holds a holiday party at which the president thanks all who work at the institution...

Financial Advice

At New School conference, higher education leaders discussed the need to reduce institutional costs as revenue streams continue to dry up.