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Britain Bans Dependents of International Students

Will it also soon bar the students from working after they graduate?

A rainbow-covered board at BC advertising LGBTQ+ resources

BC’s Solution to LGBTQ+ Demands Gets Tepid Response

Boston College students have long pushed their Jesuit university to create an LGBTQ+ resource center. Instead, the college will house LGBTQ resources in an intercultural center.

Turnitin’s AI Detector: Higher-Than-Expected False Positives

Turnitin’s AI writing–detection tool has a higher false positive rate than the company originally asserted, according to Annie Chechitelli, the...
A smartphone displays the homepage of the website Rate My Professors

Israel vs. Palestine, on Rate My Professors?

Two Jewish math professors say they asked for Zionist programming after seeing Palestinian programming on campus. Now, they suggest someone at the college “leaked” their request, leading to retaliation.

Will a Partnership Save the King’s College?

Facing a possible closure due to financial struggles, the King’s College in New York announced Wednesday that it is exploring...
A student veteran works with a staff member at Central Oregon Community College's veteran lounge.

Success Program Launch: Engaging Student Veterans on Campus

Central Oregon Community College will create a student success center for its student veterans, offering additional services and greater access to support staff.

People sit at microphones around a circular podium

Reproof and Redemption in a Title IX Review

After a string of scandals over California State University leaders’ handling of sexual misconduct allegations, an external review found the system’s Title IX procedures to be “insufficient” and “unreliable.”

Two students receive Reiki at Bowdoin college.

Student Wellness Tip: Add Integrative Health Options on Campus

Bowdoin College offers weekly acupuncture and Reiki clinics to promote rest and relaxation among the student population.