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A close-up of a pink highlighter being used to highlight the entry for "left-wing" in a dictionary.

Higher Ed, We Have a Problem

It’s time we start grappling with left-wing bias on campus and the problems that’s created for higher education, Billie Wright Dziech writes.

A Glimpse Into the Class of 2027’s Mind-Set

In 2005, the year most of this fall’s first-time students were born, Dan Rather retired, Pandora was created and Hurricanes...

Nichols President on Leave Amid Coast Guard Investigation

The president of Nichols College, Glenn Sulmasy, has taken a voluntary leave from his job amid an investigation into the...
Pages of new lawsuits against colleges fly out of a printer atop the U.S. Supreme Court building, all on an orange background

A New Legal Blitz on Affirmative Action

Challenges to race-conscious policies are surging in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action, including a new lawsuit against West Point.

Digitally Documenting the Innu Language: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of Maryland Baltimore County Week: Renée Lambert-Brétière, associate professor of linguistics, looks...

Baylor Settles Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Baylor University has settled a federal lawsuit with 15 women who sued the Baptist institution in 2016, claiming mishandling of...
An illustration of quotes from the Biden administration's letter over a photo of a classroom.

States Underfunded Historically Black Land Grants by $13 Billion Over 3 Decades

The secretaries of agriculture and education have issued letters to 16 governors, urging them to rectify the inequities in funding.


College Rankings: The Tail Is Frantically Wagging the Dog

It’s time for colleges and universities to find new ways to prove their worth.