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Jamestown Business College to Close

Jamestown Business College, a for-profit institution in New York founded in 1886, is no longer accepting students and plans to...
Young male teacher teaching young students a programming class in the classroom.

Teaching Tip: Navigating AI in the Classroom

Generative artificial intelligence tools continue to grow in popularity. Here are four ways faculty members in higher education are teaching about or with AI.

Dartmouth College to Reinstate Standardized Testing

Dartmouth College will reinstate its standardized testing requirement for the next application cycle, offi c ials announced Monday, making it...
A lone professor in a crowded lecture hall

Free Community College Boosts Enrollment, Strains Massachusetts System

The enrollment surge is a welcome development for the Massachusetts community college system, but it has also created staffing shortages and stretched capacity.

A graphic highlighting six statistics from the Student Success content hub

Student Success Wrapped: What You Wanted to Know About Supporting Students

A look at six trends from the most engaged-with content published by the Student Success team over the past year.

Magnifying glass is held up over a diploma

Assessing Quality of Microcredentials Is Difficult

Most high school educators recognize the value of microcredentials, but a dearth of available data on outcomes can make them hesitant to recommend nondegree pathways to students.

Two piggy banks; the one labeled "history tuition" has a few coins by it while the one labeled "engineering tuition" has dollars coming out of it.

Differential Tuition Is Popular. But Is It Equitable?

Colleges have long charged more for costly programs like nursing and engineering. Some put money back into scholarships meant to offset negative impacts.

The word "expertise" in white against a blue background. Visible items in the background include a pair of glasses, a calculator, a pen and charts/graphs.

Legitimating Expertise

Rebuilding public trust in expertise starts with us, says Julia M. Wright.