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Faculty Condemn Secretive Search Process at Purdue

Faculty members accuse Purdue president Mitch Daniels and the Board of Trustees of eroding shared governance by orchestrating a leadership transition without transparency or public input.

What’s Wrong With Students? No—What’s Wrong With Us?

Rather than blame students for a lack of well-being, colleges should consider institutional factors that contribute to the student mental health crisis, Philip J. Rosenbaum and Richard E. Webb write.

Free Speech at Cambridge

One of Britain’s top universities debates a new “mutual respect policy.”

Serotonin’s Role in Treating Parkinson’s Disease: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Christopher Bishop, professor of psychology at Binghamton University, explores some of what we’re still discovering...

$73 Million Awarded in Duplicate Stimulus Grants

The awards were corrected, but the Education Department watchdog says more needs to be done to prevent future mistakes.

Vermont College Ending On-Campus Classes

The Vermont College of Fine Arts will stop hosting students on campus and will end on-campus programs in Montpelier after...

Retractions: A Missed Opportunity?

New paper says retractions take too long to meaningfully influence public debates about important topics.

George Washington University to Drop ‘Colonials’ Moniker

George Washington University will stop using the Colonials moniker by the 2023–24 school year, or whenever it decides on a...