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Stop Telling Students to ‘Narrow Down’ Their Topic

A student who follows that advice will most likely end up as lost as they were before—just inside a slightly narrower wilderness, argue Christopher Rea and Thomas S. Mullaney.

Non-Tenure-Track Skidmore Professors Unionize

Full-time and part-time non-tenure-track faculty members, librarians and accompanists voted to form a union affiliated with Service Employees International Union...

Bill Russell and the Basketball Revolution: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Aram Goudsouzian, professor of history at the University of Memphis, examines the life of one...

Prof’s Class Canceled at Simmons After Harvard Controversy

Simmons University has canceled a course taught by an instructor accused of making racist social media posts when he taught...

Colleges Must Invest More in Mental Health

A Band-Aid approach won’t work, Nick Ladany writes.

UCLA Buys Closed Marymount California Campus

The University of California, Los Angeles, announced Tuesday that it is creating a satellite campus by buying land from defunct...

More Than Just More Counselors

Addressing the mental health crisis on college campuses requires more than adding counselors, James Herbert and Jennifer DeBurro write.

Women Make Up Majority of College-Educated Workforce

Women now make up a majority of the U.S. workforce with at least a bachelor’s degree, according to a new...