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Tough Love for Colleges

Federal higher ed panel emphasizes colleges' high prices and urges greater accountability.

Newman President, Accused of Sexism, Quits

University says his decision is not related to EEOC finding or lawsuits.

Loss for Frat at Colgate

A judge dismisses lawsuit by alumni seeking to reverse sale of their house to the university.

Social Security and Defaulted Student Loans

U.S. can seize benefits when borrower has been delinquent for a decade, Supreme Court rules.

The Culture Wars of 2005

Many experts think the '80s fights over curriculum were nothing compared to today's battles over Iraq, patriotism, God and evolution.

Should All Beliefs Be Worn on Sleeves?

Bellarmine University is divided over what to do about a student who wears a Nazi-related armband.

Left Out of the Elites

Low income, high performing students are plentiful enough that selective colleges should be able to admit more of them, study finds.