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Competing Antislavery Thought in the British Empire

Banning slavery doesn’t end all its vices. In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Oklahoma’s Lewis Eliot explores the history...

Shaping the Narrative

South Dakota passes an anti–critical race theory law affecting colleges and universities, while Wisconsin and Florida consider anti-CRT and curricular “transparency” bills.

Law Students Shout Down Controversial Speakers

Students shouted down speakers at Yale and UC Hastings earlier this month, prompting questions about free speech, academic freedom and the employability of those who disrupted the events.

Tenure Awarded… at Allegheny, Cabrini, Sacred Heart

Allegheny College Casey Bradshaw-Wilson, environmental science and sustainability Amelia Finaret, global health studies Reem Hilal, world languages and cultures Douglas...

A ‘Smooth Return to College’

LaGuardia Community College hopes to lure adult learners back to campus by giving them credits for skills learned outside higher ed.

The Problems With Academic Probation

Research shows students placed on probation are less likely to be retained. Colleges should consider strategies for mitigating or avoiding the negative effects, Nicholas A. Bowman argues.

4 West Virginia Fraternities Make Trouble

West Virginia University suspended one fraternity for hazing and sanctioned three others after violations to the student conduct code, the...

Updating Faculty Evaluation for the Better

A new report from the TIAA Institute says that faculty appointment and evaluation systems at many institutions rely on outdated...